Registration Form

Cars for


What is Cars for Carers?

This is an initiative by the common folks, for the common folks. We at AutoTribe understands that in these trying times, many healthcare workers are putting their best foot forward, fighting the good fight for us. In case of a full lockdown, having a safe and reliable vehicle would enable healthcare workers who do not have a stable mode of transport to move around quickly and more efficiently.

Who can benefit from this initiative?

All healthcare workers and disability carers are welcome to apply for this initiative.

How does it work?

Once you have registered your interest, your details will be saved into our database for the sole purpose of this initiative only. In the event of a full lock down, we will contact you on a case by case basis to ensure our resources are deployed efficiently.

Upon collection, simply present to us your healthcare ID & Driver’s Licence for verification and you’re good to go!

Why are we doing this?

We believe that being in the Automotive industry, we have resources that can potentially be enablers in these times of need.

With our frontline heroes working around the clock trying to contain this pandemic, we hope that having a safe and reliable car to get around would help get rid of some logistical obstacles that our healthcare heroes might face.

How can you help?

If you are from the following sector:

  • Vehicle Insurance
  • Car Dealership
  • Car Rental

Do contact us at to find out more about how we can all contribute to this non-profit initiative together!